Leaders Table

a primer on leading in a space we've never been before

Our training did not equip us for the current moment.

To understand how to lead in this space, we must dig into how God’s story for the world works itself out in times of huge disruption.

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What You Will Do

Participate in four sessions with with a group of leaders grounding themselves in God’s story and begin to discover concrete steps you can take in your context. Each 90 min session is lead by experienced facilitators guiding you to increase your understanding of the leadership implications of these key questions:

What is this new space where we find ourselves and how did we get here?

How does the Bible guide us when we find ourselves in spaces we’ve never been before?

What are the skills and practices for leaders in this new space?

How can you begin to step into these skills and practices in your context?


with a deeper understanding of the key questions and how to engage them.


with resources to help you lead in your context.


insight and an imagination from gatherings with facilitators and participants.
